When provided an array of objects, vue-select
will display a single value of the object. By default, vue-select
will look for a key named label
on the object to use as display text
When the options array contains objects, vue-select looks for the label key to display by default. You can set your own label to match your source data using the label prop
\r\nvue-select accepts arrays of strings or objects to use as options through the options
The most common use case for vue-select is to have the chosen value synced with a parent component. vue-select takes advantage of the v-model syntax to sync values with a parent
\r\n\r\nIf you don't require the value to be synced, you can also pass the prop directly:
\r\n\r\nThis method allows you to pre-select a value(s), without syncing any changes to the parent component. This is also very useful when using a state management tool, like Vuex
\r\n \r\nBy default, vue-select supports choosing a single value. If you need multiple values, use the multiple prop
\r\n\r\nTo allow input that's not present within the options, set the taggable prop to true. If you want new tags to be pushed to the options list, set push-tags to true
vue-select is a native Vue.js select component that provides similar functionality to Select2. Read full documnetation here
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